Thursday, April 06, 2006

Unproductive Day

Nothing school related got done
did do: cooked lunch, nuked dinner, chatted, emailed, wasted time, watched the last 20 minutes of America's Next Top Model, we got out of school late again and missed the start. boo. but at least we got to see Jade screw up her Cover Girl commercial. please don't let that girl win.

in other news: Jenny's coming to Ottawa this weekend!!! and she's bringing Chester Weatherby. i want his last name.

schedule for this weekend:
thursday - chillax day. have a rest day. class 6-9
friday - homework in the am, meet Jenny in ottawa in afternoon, homework in evening
sat - homework day, rent Narnia?
sun - homework, break for Benchwarmers at 2pm, maybe make a fancy dinner, more homework

school is drawing to a close therefore i have to finish projects plus thomas and i gots ourselves a real live client and we need to do work on that project too.

good luck to everyone who still has stuff to finish!